
Thursday, August 23, 2012

All about Mangos….MANGO CARROT BREAD

All about Mangos….MANGO CARROT BREAD

Let me start by saying, we are having a huge heat wave in Southern California,  so the last thing I wanted to do was to heat up my oven, but for the sake of the blog ….. and my sweet tooth … I caved and cranked it up last Sunday.  I crawled out of bed at 6 a.m. to make this recipe.  It is amazing how creative you can be in the early morning once you’ve had a good cup of coffee.  

During the move a few weeks ago I came across a pile of recipes I had set aside - thinking I’d try them someday.  I also had a few bunches of carrots left over from the week before and really wanted to use them.  I had seen a bread recipe in that pile and honestly, I cannot tell you where it came from since it was typed out.  I had saved it because the concept sounded interesting - Banana Carrot Bread.  Once I started taking inventory of my available ingredients, I only had one problem.  It was 6 A.M. ….I had no bananas and there was no way I was going to get dressed and go to the store that early! This is where the creative juices kicked in.  I did have this huge, juicy mango and thought, if mashed, the mango should have a similar texture to banana.  Mangos are probably right at the top of my list of favorite fruits.  Tangy and sweet - perfection in a bite.  After pureeing, it worked perfectly. I changed the recipe up quite a bit, but I have to tell you that this bread is DELICIOUS!!!   The bread is moist and sweet and has great texture from the half cup of homemade granola I threw in there. Who would have thought mangos and carrots would mix so wonderfully together?  It’s true - great flavors. You can eat it cold or right out of the oven with a little butter.  I hope you try this MANGO CARROT BREAD.

Happy Cooking Everyone!

(TIP: for good granola, if you don’t have the time to make your own, check out your local breakfast place - many of them sell homemade granola.

1 cup Mango puree (1 big one, or 2 medium size)
1 cup sugar
½ canola oil
¼ melted butter
2 eggs
2 cups flour
1 ½ teaspoon baking soda
½ teaspoon baking powder
1 teaspoon cinnamon
¼ teaspoon nutmeg
½ teaspoon salt
1 cup grated carrot (about 3-4 large carrots)
½ cup chopped assorted nuts
½ cup home made granola

Pre-heat oven to 350 degrees

1. Spray & flour a (9x5x2) loaf pan. Set aside.
2. Peel mango and puree in food processor.  Set aside.

3. Grate 1 cup of carrots.  Set aside.

4. Chop 1/2 cut of assorted nuts.Set aside.

5. Combine sugar, eggs, oil and butter. Mix with a whisk till smooth.

6. Add pureed mango. Mix till well blended.

7. In a separate bowl, combine flour, baking soda, baking powder, cinnamon, nutmeg and salt. Stir until all ingredients are incorporated.
8. Add Dry mix to the Wet mix, stirring with a spoon.

9. Add carrots, nuts, granola and vanilla.  Mix with spoon.

10. Pour mixture into prepared pan.

11. Bake at 350 for 50-60 minutes, until middle is fully cooked.


  1. Mango and carrot sound like an amazing combination :) This heart looking loaf tastes amazing, I am sure! I want to try it for my mom!

    1. Hello! You should definitely try it out for your mom. I brought over a few pieces to my mom and dad too, they asked for more. Defintely on my must make again list.
      happy cooking!

  2. Yvonne, I could soo tell it was you this time from the start. The bread looks like it would be great with coffee in the morning.Bed the rest of the family was happy to see it when they got up. CP

    1. Must have been my humor, huh! Faye is a bit more serious :-). Yep, everyone loved it here at home. Its great with a cup of coffee or glass of milk. Maybe we will try it at the cookie bake this year.
      Happy Cooking!

    2. Actually I think she was referring to the fact that you didn't want to go to the store at 6:00am lol

  3. This bread sounds great! I love the granola thrown in! :)

    1. The granola was the perfect add in for this bread. Added just the right amount of extra texture. If you are ever in the North San Diego area, Swami's in Oceanside makes the best homemade granola. Love it! I actually found a recipe i want to try for a future blog so stay tuned.
      Happy Cooking!

  4. I really don't know what I love more about this. The mango-carrot combo, or the fact that it was not wanting to get out of your pajamas that inspired you to give it a try! ;-)

    1. Thank you Stephie! All good ideas have to start somewhere, in my case for this recipe is was laziness to get out of the PJ's. But i tell you, it definitely was a blessing! This Mango-Carrot bread was delicous! And im not just saying that because i made it :-)!
      Hope you give it a try.
      Happy Cooking!

  5. making this, this weekend:) thank you for posting

    1. I hope you do! this bread was so decioious! My boyfriend keeps asking for me to make it again :-). Happy Cooking.
