
Friday, December 7, 2012

The Perfect Toffee Bars

The Perfect Toffee Bar’s (adaption from better home and garden)

This is the type of recipe that is perfect for a gift and super easy to make. I needed something to make last week for a house warming party. Once again I looked at what I had in my pantry and found that I had ½ a bag of toffee bits. Hmmmm..what to make…what to make! I did a little searching and found a recipe for Toffee bars in a old cook book I had.  I have now made the recipe twice and I think this new and improved recipe is amazing.  Added a bit more toffee , a bit more pecans and a more CHOCOLATE of course!  I hope you enjoy These PERFECT TOFFEE BARS.  Perfect for a holiday treat for your friends and family or yourself of couse!
Happy cooking!

½ cup unsalted butter softened
¾ packed brown sugar
1 egg
1 teaspoon vanilla
1 cup flour
1/8 teaspoon salt
1 cup semi-sweet chocolate chips
½ cup pecans
½ cup toffee pieces

Preheat oven to 350 degrees

1. Mix together with electric mixer soften butter.

2. Add brown sugar, egg and vanilla to butter.  Beat until will combined.

3. Add flour and salt to egg mixture till all combined.

4. Pull out a 13x9x2 in glass baking dish , ungreased and
 spread the cookie mixture on the pan in a even layer. (two things, do not spray oil or put wax paper,tried both and it makes it hard to to them out, experience talking here )
5. Bake for 15 minutes. The sides will be come a light brown and the top will be dry.
6. Once your remove from oven, immediately sprinkle the cup of chocolate chips evenly over baked cookie. Wait about 3-5 minutes.  The chocolate chips will melt. Using a spatula, spread the chocolate evenly over the cookie until the chocolate completely cookie.

7. Mix together the ½ cup of chopped pecans and ½ cup toffee pieces and
Sprinkle over the chocolate. Using your hand, gently press the pecan and toffees into the chocolate.

8. Cut into bars and put on a baking rack to cool. Chocolate will be come hard.  If you need them faster for a party , like I did. I popped them into the refrigerator for 30 minutes.

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