
Friday, February 22, 2013

Expecting company, Overnight Apple French Toast

Expecting overnight company and not sure what to make them for breakfast??? This Overnight Apple French Toast recipe is a perfect solution, its quick and delicious!   You prep it the night before and in the morning all you need to do is pop it into the oven and bake.  The rich french toast topped with the cinnamon apples gives this dish that extra special flavor your guests will be asking for another piece. I hope you give this recipe a try.  Your guests will thank you .
Happy Cooking Everyone!

6-7 pieces day old French bread cut to 1 1/2 inch thickness
4 large eggs
1 cup whole milk
3/4 cup half and half
1 teaspoon vanilla
1/2 cup granulated sugar
1 tablespoon cinnamon
1/2 teaspoons nutmeg
2 apples (i used Fuji) peeled and cut into thin slices
3 tablespoons butter, cut into small cubes

Directions for day before:
1. Spray a 2 quart baking dish with non-stick cooking spray.
2. In a small bowl combine 1/4 cup sugar, cinnamon and nutmeg. Set aside.

3. Place the french bread slices into the baking dish.  The pieces will fit next to each other. I cut one extra slice to fill in the spaces.

4. Whisk the eggs, the milk, half and half, the remaining 1/4 cup of the sugar and vanilla until it is all well incorporated.  Pour half of the liquid over the bread.

5. Add the apple slices on top of the soaked bread till as the bread is covered.

6. Pour the remaining egg mixture on top of the apples.

7.  Sprinkle the cinnamon sugar mixture over the apples.

8. Place the cut up butter over the cinnamon apples.  Make sure you distribute the butter pieces.

9. Cover with plastic wrap and put into refrigerator.

Directions for the following morning:
1.Remove casserole from refrigerator, remove plastic wrap
2. Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Once oven is ready, place casserole into the oven.
3.Bake for 1 hour. Remove from oven and let it sit for 15 minutes.
4. Cut and serve with butter and maple syrup and fresh berries.
