
Wednesday, September 25, 2013

What It Means to Me to Have a Food Blog

"I love this blog". That's not something I say out of vanity, but I do. I love it. I don't think of it as a job or a chore or look at it as something I "have" to do. I do it because I truly love it. I wake up every morning wanting to bake and I never run out of inspiration. I look forward to posting recipes and I get excited about every single recipe I share. I seriously can't wait to share these recipes and I want others to enjoy them as much as I do. Sure, I know there are millions of other Food Blogs out there so what makes this one different or special? Because it's us, simply put.
When Yvonne and I started Live Bake Love 2 years ago, I wasn't sure what to expect. Immediate success? Didn't happen. Tons of support from friends and family who love our baking? That didn't happen either. Open-armed acceptance into the blogging community? Eh...not. But something unexpected did happen. I never in a million years expected to love it so much. True, I do think about stopping (almost on a daily basis) especially when frustration sets in and you feel like you're talking to crickets, but then I remember the people who actually try the recipes and love them. I remember the person who commented that we inspired her to dust off her rusty baking pans and bake again. I remember the reasons I started. They are the reasons I continue... and because I know one day I will leave this world knowing that I put a piece of myself out there into the universe that is a true representation of me...a girl who loves to bake.

Someone I admire greatly in the Food Blogging community summed my love of baking up better than I ever could. He said "we cook out of necessity, but we bake out of love". And if you think about it, it's true.

So whether you've been following us at LiveBakeLove for a while or are just now reading your first post, I hope you continue with us for many more years to come.

Now, I firmly believe all good things should end with food, so I'm leaving you with the links to a few of my favorite posts from the past 2 years. I think they really capture the spirit of LiveBakeLove...

We were so excited to participate in the National Food Bloggers Bake Sale (click here) that we participated for a second time this year!

I auctioned off a Blueberry Coconut Almond Crumb Cake for Cookies for Cody to raise money for a sweet little boy in Texas who was battling a rare form of cancer (click here to read about it) and when Cody passed away I paid tribute by baking the lightest oven baked berry pancake you ever will eat (click here for the recipe).

Yvonne's authentic family recipes are priceless and always at the top of my list. Nothing beats her Mom's homemade flour tortillas and her Empanadas. Learn how to make her Empanadas straight from the pro herself here.

One of our favorite annual events is definitely our Christmas Cookie bake. We bake a whole lotta cookies and have a whole lotta fun! Stay tuned for this year's Cookie Bake. There's sure to be some fun in store!

Cheers everyone & Happy 2-year Blogiversary to us!!


  1. Stopped by from the Cupcake Project Pintrest Explorers Facebook page. I'll be back!

    1. Hi Kathy! Thanks for stopping by and checking us out. Looking forward to having you back!!
